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Joe E. Routt, Class of 1937




Born Oct. 18, 1914 • Killed in action Dec. 2, 1944                                                          An Aggie Football Legend and a Young Family’s Sacrifice

Captain of the A&M football team and an All-American athlete, Joe Routt became a household name across Texas as what the sports media called “the toughest guy in Texas.” Joe excelled as a leader and role model both on and off the athletic field. In March 1942, Routt, newly married and father to an infant daughter, was called to duty as an infantry officer. His duties kept him stateside and closer to his family until 1944 when his unit was sent first to France and then, in November 1944, to Belgium and the bitter frontlines of the battle. In December 1944, Routt heroically lead his infantry company following the death of the commanding officer, actions for which he was awarded the Bronze Star. As he braved enemy fire to reorganize the company for a successful counter-attack, Routt was killed by machine-gun fire from an enemy tank after reaching his objective. His sacrifice shattered a young family who struggled to recover from the loss of this beloved Texas Aggie who was a true leader with “the biggest heart.”
READ MORE at Texas A&M Today…
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